Sept is a free bootstrap theme. This theme is basically for a creative agency. It’s fully customizable. You can use it for your personal site or your agency. This is one page theme. So if you like to use it as a landing page. You do this also. It’s clean, fresh, and flat design and it’s fully FREE!!! It’s made with bootstrap 3. So all components of bootstrap is available. download it. and use it.
Sept – Free Bootstrap Theme

- Bootstrap 3
- Parallax (This theme has parallax on the scroll)
- Custom Scroll-bar (Fully customizable custom scroll-bar)
- One Page
- Flat Design
- Sticky Navbar
- Fun Fact
- Portfolio Gallery
- Attractive Pricing Table
- Blog Section
- Working Ajax Email Signup with MailChimp
- Ajax Working Contact Form
- Social Button
- It’s Free!!!
This theme is under “Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC” License.
Note: Do you want to share this theme on your blog or website? if yes, Please don’t upload this theme file to your server or don’t make any hotlink to download the link. Just send your visitor to this page.
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